05 януари 2007

(Руска) Коледа по стар стил

Православна Божествена Литургия за Рождество (по стар стил)
The Christmas Orthodox Divine Liturgy
Божићна Православнa Божанствена литургија
Bożonarodzeniowa Prawosławna Boska Liturgia
Різдвяна Православна Божественна літургія

The Orthodox night Christmas service (the Matins and the Divine Liturgy) will take place on the Saturday, January 6, at 23.00 in the Friðrikskapella and the Orthodox Christmas party for children will take place in the 'Mir' Society (Félagið MÍR, Hverfisgötu 105) on the Sunday, January 7, at 16:00.